Monday, October 7, 2013

Kraft Mac & Cheese Nightmare

Recently I had a family member send me my monthly care package. I have one sent monthly with important mail, any items purchased online (certainly not to exceed $50!), etc. This most recent package contained FOUR (4) $0.88USD Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. You know, the favorite food of kids?

My package promptly arrived in Sao Paulo on Wednesday afternoon and immediately seized pending further inspection because I was stupid enough to declare the Macaroni and Cheese - not to mention give a very broad description - food. The following morning I called UPS to find out what I needed to do. About an hour later I received an e-mail with the necessary steps and documents in order to secure a speedy release. Of course none of the documents were in Portuguese. My problem is this - all this for Mac & Cheese? Seriously?

So I completed the necessary declaration which was absolute insanity stating what type of food, its intended purpose and where it will be stored, etc. Again, four boxes of processed macaroni and non-perishable.

I was told the package would be presented again for inspection on Friday and would have more information after 3PM. Well, I received a reply that it was sent to MAPA for inspection. What does that mean? You guessed it - more documentation! I had to fill out another declaration identical as the first but made out to MAPA.

Today, I attempted to follow up again. Apparently the release from MAPA can take up to 7 working days to complete. I was assured that it would be presented for inspection tomorrow morning and most likely released that same day (one would hope considering this is a 7.25oz =205g box of Macaroni!)

I have spent at least 2 hours I this entire process and probably over R$20,00 in phone calls. Soon with the shipping and time spent (possibly import taxes too) I could have flown to Miami bought 100 boxes an iPad and returned at a cost cheaper than this entire experience!

More to come - for those that do not know what Kraft Mac & Cheese is here is a picture.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, first of all MAPA is the Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento which is governmental agency responsible for the entire food supply in Brazil. As you're already beginning to find out Matt here we have a Ministry for absolutely everything. I think they have even got MCM - Ministério de Cueca Masculino to be totally honest. Your case however passes from the the sublime however. It's incredible that the government would waste all this time, effort and your money on 4 boxes of Kraft Mac&Cheese. Too-o-o-o-o-o-o-o funny!

    The absurd and suffocating bureaucracy in this country eats up approximately 33% of Brazil's GDP, can you imagine how much better off this country would be immediately without it?

  3. I'm assuming things like this is what caused people to finally take to the streets earlier.... correct?
