Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Couldn't open a bank account, but got my work permit....

Ahhh, another wonderful day in Brazil. Spent 2.5 hours in Bradesco trying to open a bank account. Waited 2.75 hours to be told I need a declaration from my landlord that I lived at my address, even though I had a credit card bill and a notarized apartment lease. Seriously? So tomorrow I get to spend another 3 hours waiting. The good news is I got my work permit. It took less than 30 minutes. Just needed to show my protocol, CPF, marriage certificate (show originals, and provide copies.) The lady told us we didn't need notarized/authenticated copies but I have a saying especially in this country - "it is better to be safe than sorry." I have my green book and can work legally in Brazil, albeit I speak very little Portuguese!


  1. Hi Matt,

    Good to hear that things are progressing despite the bureaucracy. I'm sure that in time you'll start to get used to all the senseless things that are required in order to do even the simplest things in this country.

    There's an exceptional Brazilian comedy troupe called Porta dos Fundos (Back Door) and they've done a hysterically funny skit called "Burocracia" which is also a really accurate depiction of the insane and suffocating bureaucracy in Brazil.

    It's the story of two friends who want to open a business and every time they come back with what they believe is all the correct documentation, the public servant adds something new to the list of things they need. Typically Brazilian, nobody ever tells you up front everything you need.

    In the end they're finally so frustrated they devise a unique plot in order to extract their revenge on the woman they've been dealing with. I won't spoil the ending for you. Watch it for yourself. Even with just a basic knowledge of the language you'll be splitting your sides laughing. It's sooooooooo funny and sooooooooo true.



  2. OMG. Thank you for that clip. My husband and I just laughed for 10 minutes. I especially liked the ending. It reminded me of being better safe than sorry
